Kinakwii Nation Represents Togetherness Peace Protection and Harmony
Indigenous Headdress is a Representation Given for the Greatest Honour Bravery and Strength
Kinakwii Indigenous Woman Holds Traditional Dream Catcher Symbol Protection From Bad Dreams and Allows Good Dreams to Go Through
Freedom is the Right to Express the Inalienable Rights That were Freely Given
The Eagle is Considered Sacred and were Used by Indigenous People to Take Messages to the Great Spirit
Kinakwii Welcomes People From All Races Not Just Natives to Become a Member
Sovereignty is a Right of All Human Kind

Vision Statement

Vision of Kinakwii Private Nation, is to continue growing our membership base and treaties with other nations. Expansion of benefits in the area of:

  • Health and wellness Education
  • Banking
  • Food and Agriculture Land, housing and shelter

Mission Statement

The mission of Kinakwii Private Nation, is to provide leadership and stability and to give natural man/woman a sense of belonging, through teaching, in order to have a good understanding of "Who Your Are"/"Who are You." Which brings people from the public structure into the private structure, back under God and not under a governing structure or corporation. The private structure is under "The Great Spirit" or The Creator God, who gives us the right to have all the things God lays out for us in the Bible. Which is based upon the authority that God gives natural man/woman, to come together for a common cause and do the things that are beneficial, to both the individual and society as a whole.

Goal Statement

The goal of Kinawii Private Nation, is to provide continuing education in the area of both Native and current alternative health initiatives. Also, provides awareness of rights, privileges and responsibilities under the authority of "The Great Spirit" and the Kinakwii constitution.

Become a Kinakwii National

Kinakwii Nation is void of political or religious motive and welcomes anyone who embraces the principles and the way of life Kinakwii Nation Nationals represents.

Apply for Membership
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