Kinakwii means “People of the Great Spirit”. We welcome anyone who embraces the principles and the way of life we represent. It is an inspired vision in which all people and all nature really matter.
We recognize Canada is becoming increasingly complex in the life of its public domain and disconnected from the real living of its private domain. We believe Canada is in a crisis of becoming too commercial and having too many of its people who set aside their private selves and live too much in their public selves. It is divided between its talk and its walk – what it says and what it does. We think this is not healthy.
We note the history of Canada’s treatment of native people has been tragic for native cultures. While we appreciate profoundly Canada’s apology and intention for reconciliation given on June 11, 2008, we fear without real effort to understand and act differently “reconciliation” will become ongoing assimilation policy in a slightly different package. We seek to work with Canada as equals to give its apology and reconciliation real substance. Ethics in the private domain will overcome power in the public domain.
These notices are being presented to QUEEN ELIZABETH II, The Governor General, The Prime Minister, Canada’s MPs and Senators, the Provinces and Territories of Canada and many other leaders and most especially the people of Canada in a spirit of sharing the opportunity for healing and mutual benefit.